The production

Handcrafted with love for you

Before your sneaker arrives at your home, it has to go a long way. In the first step, we first prepare the data, i.e. the design that we want to put on the shoe. Then we have to adapt the design to the respective shoe size, that all happens digitally, only in the next step do we start editing.

We produce a stencil that we will need later to apply the layers of paint precisely to your sneaker. But before that happens, we have to clean and roughen the surface so that the colors stick to the sneaker.

Then we stick foil on the sneaker, which protects the remaining surface of the sneaker, so that no color gets anywhere where it shouldn't go. Now the first of a total of three layers of paint is finally being applied to your sneaker. Each layer must dry individually before the next is applied.

Next, the color is sealed and the shoe is impregnated so that everything stays in place and is waterproof. The sneakers are then dried again before we can remove the template and everything else.

Now only the packaging is missing and the shoe is already on its way to you via the post office.

As you can see, editing is basically a simple, but very time-consuming process. On average, we need 9 hours to customize a sneaker.

WIr gestalten dir Dein Traumsneaker

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